Machine production information
Transformer produced under Decision No. 1011 - QD / EVN NPC 7/4/2015 of the Northern Power Corporation
Dong Anh transformers manufacture closed-type 3-phase distribution transformers:
- Closed type transformers, oil immersed, no-load adjustable at voltage 35 / 0.4; 22 / 0.4; 35/22 / 0.4; 10 / 0.4kV.
- Tested to the standard.
A transformer is an electrical device that changes the voltage of an alternating current from one level to another. A closed-type transformer belongs to a distribution transformer with input voltage of 35kV, 22kV, 10kV, output voltage of 0.4kV, immersion in standard insulating oil.
Products are manufactured and tested according to TCVN 6306-1: 2015 (IEC 60076-1: 2011) and TCVN 8525: 2015. Main materials constituting the product include: silicon sheet of Japanese and Korean origin; Smooth / paper-coated magnetic wire from copper M1; Insulation oil Swedish, Indian, and Malaysian brands. Voltage regulator from Italy. Insulation paper source: Germany, Sweden. Magnetic cross-cut and stapler circuit cutters on G7-cut sheet; Wiring is constructed on specialized equipment; The inside of the machine is vacuum-dried.