Construction method of air conditioning system


Air conditioning system, soft and insulated duct is a very important item in most of today's civil and industrial projects,

Installation of cold rooms, cold tunnels like. the role of cold...


Cold room, the cold cellar is a place with a large capacity, have a low temperature, the stable environment is like a refrigerator but many times larger. In the warehouse is designed and constructed industrial refrigeration systems to preserve the goods in the best way, help goods keep for the longest time and limit the process of changing quality, design, color, use.  

Installation of cold cellar and other things to note


Installation of cold rooms and cold cellars has become simpler thanks to modern experiences and techniques

Acro vina factory project


Acro vina factory phase 1#: Excution work: Contruction work and Install M&E system; Transformer 560kva 22/0.4kv, Air conditioner of LG, Lighting, socket of Duhal, Power cable of Ls vina, Communication work, Sanitary of Inax. Schedule: From 10/2018 to 12/2018