
2,935,000 VND

Medium voltage cable

Production Standard:

All national and international standards of IEC, AS / ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some other standard.

- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV)
Conductor core:

The conductive core material is usually copper or aluminum braided round or Segments compressed in accordance with international standard IEC 60228 or according to customer's

Insulation:Insulation is made of ultra-clean cross-linked Polyethylene:

The core, insulation and insulation screens are extruded simultaneously in one process to ensure that gaps from all positions between layers are prevented

Extrusion processes are performed under the control of air pressure and an X-ray system.

In some special cases Tree-XLPE insulation will be used upon request from the customer.

Metal screen

Copper tape (or copper wire or lead sheath if specified) will be applied to the outside of the insulating screen.

Liner / separator

Polyethylene (PE) or PVC plastic

In the event that no armor is specified, the outer sheath will be applied directly to the outside of the screen.


The sheath that protects cables from mechanical agents is formed by the armor of steel strands, or steel tapes.

If the cable is single-core and is designed based on the choice of line, then the armor will be made with non-magnetic material (fiber or aluminum tape).

The outer shell

This sheath is made up of PVC or PE material.

These cables are manufactured with special properties under fire conditions such as flame retardant cables, low smoke cables or smoke-free cables and cables emitting toxic gases.


Cable 24kv-CU/XLPE/DSTA/PVC-W:3x150mm2

1,889,900 VND

Medium voltage cable

Production Standard:

All national and international standards of IEC, AS / ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some other standard.

- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV)
Conductor core:

The conductive core material is usually copper or aluminum braided round or Segments compressed in accordance with international standard IEC 60228 or according to customer's

Insulation:Insulation is made of ultra-clean cross-linked Polyethylene:

The core, insulation and insulation screens are extruded simultaneously in one process to ensure that gaps from all positions between layers are prevented

Extrusion processes are performed under the control of air pressure and an X-ray system.

In some special cases Tree-XLPE insulation will be used upon request from the customer.

Metal screen

Copper tape (or copper wire or lead sheath if specified) will be applied to the outside of the insulating screen.

Liner / separator

Polyethylene (PE) or PVC plastic

In the event that no armor is specified, the outer sheath will be applied directly to the outside of the screen.


The sheath that protects cables from mechanical agents is formed by the armor of steel strands, or steel tapes.

If the cable is single-core and is designed based on the choice of line, then the armor will be made with non-magnetic material (fiber or aluminum tape).

The outer shell

This sheath is made up of PVC or PE material.

These cables are manufactured with special properties under fire conditions such as flame retardant cables, low smoke cables or smoke-free cables and cables emitting toxic gases.

In other cases it will be manufactured to satisfy the requirements against termite attack.

Cáp 24kv-CU/XLPE/DSTA/PVC-W:3x120mm2

1,518,000 VND

Cáp trung thế

Tiêu chuẩn sản xuất: 
Tất cả các tiêu chuẩn quốc gia và quốc tế của IEC, AS/ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN hoặc một số tiêu chuẩn khác. 
- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV) 

Lõi dẫn: 
Vật liệu lõi dẫn thường là Đồng hoặc Nhôm bện nén tròn hoặc kiểu nén Segments phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn quốc tế IEC 60228 hoặc theo tiêu chuẩn của khách hàng. 

Cách điện: 
Vật liệu cách điện được làm từ Polyethylene liên kết ngang siêu sạch: 
Màn chắn lõi, cách điện và màn chắn cách điện được đùn đồng thời trong một quá trình để đảm bảo rằng các khoảng trống từ tất cả các vị trí giữa các lớp được ngăn ngừa. 
Các quy trình đùn được thực hiện dưới sự điều khiển của áp suất không khí và hệ thống tia X. 
Trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt, cách điện kiểu Tree-XLPE sẽ được sử dụng khi có yêu cầu của khách hàng. 

Màn chắn kim loại 
Lớp băng đồng (hoặc sợi đồng hoặc lớp vỏ chì nếu qui định) sẽ được áp bên ngoài của lớp màn chắn cách điện. 

Lớp bọc lót/phân cách 
Nhựa Polyethylene (PE) hoặc nhựa PVC. 
Trong trường hợp không có sự qui định gì về lớp giáp thì lớp vỏ ngoài cùng sẽ được áp trực tiếp lên bên ngoài lớp màn chắn. 

Áo giáp 
Lớp vỏ bảo vệ cáp từ các tác nhân cơ học được tạo thành bởi lớp giáp của các sợi thép, hoặc băng thép. 
Nếu như cáp là đơn lõi và được thiết kế dựa trên sự lựa chọn của dòng, khi đó lớp giáp sẽ được sản xuất với vật liệu không nhiễm từ (sợi hoặc băng nhôm). 

Lớp vỏ bọc ngoài cùng 
Lớp vỏ bọc này được tạo thành từ vật liệu PVC hoặc PE. 
Các cáp này được sản xuất với các đặc tính đặc biệt trong điều kiện có lửa như cáp chậm cháy, cáp ít khói hoặc cáp không khói và cáp tỏa ra khí độc. Trong trường hợp khác, nó sẽ được sản xuất sao cho thỏa mãn các yêu cầu chống mối mọt tấn công. 

Cable 24kv-CU/XLPE/DSTA/PVA-W:3x95mm2

930,000 VND


Medium voltage cable

Production Standard:

All national and international standards of IEC, AS / ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some other standard.

- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV)
Conductor core:

The conductive core material is usually copper or aluminum braided round or Segments compressed in accordance with international standard IEC 60228 or according to customer's

Insulation:Insulation is made of ultra-clean cross-linked Polyethylene:

The core, insulation and insulation screens are extruded simultaneously in one process to ensure that gaps from all positions between layers are prevented

Extrusion processes are performed under the control of air pressure and an X-ray system.

In some special cases Tree-XLPE insulation will be used upon request from the customer.

Metal screen

Copper tape (or copper wire or lead sheath if specified) will be applied to the outside of the insulating screen.

Liner / separator

Polyethylene (PE) or PVC plastic

In the event that no armor is specified, the outer sheath will be applied directly to the outside of the screen.


The sheath that protects cables from mechanical agents is formed by the armor of steel strands, or steel tapes.

If the cable is single-core and is designed based on the choice of line, then the armor will be made with non-magnetic material (fiber or aluminum tape).

The outer shell

This sheath is made up of PVC or PE material.

These cables are manufactured with special properties under fire conditions such as flame retardant cables, low smoke cables or smoke-free cables and cables emitting toxic gases.

In other cases it will be manufactured to satisfy the requirements against termite attack.

Cable 24kv-CU/XLPE/DSTA/PVC-W:3X70mm2

820,000 VND


Medium voltage cable


Production Standard:

All national and international standards of IEC, AS / ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some other standard.

- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV)
Conductor core:

The conductive core material is usually copper or aluminum braided round or Segments compressed in accordance with international standard IEC 60228 or according to customer's

Insulation:Insulation is made of ultra-clean cross-linked Polyethylene:

The core, insulation and insulation screens are extruded simultaneously in one process to ensure that gaps from all positions between layers are prevented

Extrusion processes are performed under the control of air pressure and an X-ray system.

In some special cases Tree-XLPE insulation will be used upon request from the customer.

Metal screen

Copper tape (or copper wire or lead sheath if specified) will be applied to the outside of the insulating screen.

Liner / separator

Polyethylene (PE) or PVC plastic

In the event that no armor is specified, the outer sheath will be applied directly to the outside of the screen.


The sheath that protects cables from mechanical agents is formed by the armor of steel strands, or steel tapes.

If the cable is single-core and is designed based on the choice of line, then the armor will be made with non-magnetic material (fiber or aluminum tape).

The outer shell

This sheath is made up of PVC or PE material.

These cables are manufactured with special properties under fire conditions such as flame retardant cables, low smoke cables or smoke-free cables and cables emitting toxic gases.

In other cases it will be manufactured to satisfy the requirements against termite attack.

Cable 24kv-CU/XLPE/DSTA/PVC-W:3x50mm2

760,000 VND


medium voltage cable

Production Standard:

All national and international standards of IEC, AS / ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some other standard.

- IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV)
Conductor core:

The conductive core material is usually copper or aluminum braided round or Segments compressed in accordance with international standard IEC 60228 or according to customer's

Insulation:Insulation is made of ultra-clean cross-linked Polyethylene:

The core, insulation and insulation screens are extruded simultaneously in one process to ensure that gaps from all positions between layers are prevented

Extrusion processes are performed under the control of air pressure and an X-ray system.

In some special cases Tree-XLPE insulation will be used upon request from the customer.

Metal screen

Copper tape (or copper wire or lead sheath if specified) will be applied to the outside of the insulating screen.

Liner / separator

Polyethylene (PE) or PVC plastic

In the event that no armor is specified, the outer sheath will be applied directly to the outside of the screen.


The sheath that protects cables from mechanical agents is formed by the armor of steel strands, or steel tapes.

If the cable is single-core and is designed based on the choice of line, then the armor will be made with non-magnetic material (fiber or aluminum tape).

The outer shell

This sheath is made up of PVC or PE material.

These cables are manufactured with special properties under fire conditions such as flame retardant cables, low smoke cables or smoke-free cables and cables emitting toxic gases.

In other cases it will be manufactured to satisfy the requirements against termite attack.